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And this is it guys D: It's over T.T This was both incredibly satisfying and so SO sad! I didn't expect to cry like this for Light, but I did and after being on this amazing journey for a while, I'm not that surprised...it was so well done, this show was great and I'm really happy I got to react to it with you all n.n


Death Note 37 NEW WORLD reaction

** This episode's full reaction is available on Patreon ** To see the reaction, click here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1V4bmpeYVQp0WWuASdDktUPjRZGJIUea4/view?usp=sharing And this is it guys D: It's over T.T This was both incredibly satisfying and so SO sad! I didn't expect to cry like this for Light, but I did and after being on this amazing journey for a while, I'm not that surprised...it was so well done, this show was great and I'm really happy I got to react to it with you all n.n See you next week for the first episode of Re: Zero :D!!! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/chriskaileur Twitter: https://twitter.com/Kyuujinreacts Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kyuujinreacts/ EmberFrost's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ember_frost_/ Chriskaileur's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chriskaileur/



Ember is scary she gave me nightmares


Did you guys start the new bb season yet?


Yayyyy can’t wait for tonight :) im renewing my patreon with u guys so I can get early episodes guys will be blown away trust me. U may think it couldn’t get any better.... what do you think of ur bb journey so far ? Are you suprised about how good it’s been?


I had heard about how great breaking bad was (even my teachers in film school we're talking about that show!!) So I'm more satisfied that they were right than I am surprised ;) it's one of my favorite shows now for sure!! I'm loving this!


Hey no pressuring are we gonna get the bb tonight?

Reuben Filimaua

I always found it interesting how they changed Light's death in the anime but it weirdly still works for the character and the story. In the anime he dies kind of like the fallen hero and in a strangely calm manner. But in the manga he died so pathetically screaming and begging for his life in the warehouse after Ryuk revealed to him that he wrote his name (which the live action Japanese movie accurately depicted) which fits perfectly for the inhuman arrogant coward he had become. A reason the anime's death kind of doesn't work is cos it totally removes the stark contrast in how both Light and L died. L died with such peace knowing he was always right and yet Light died screaming in fear for his life.


Yep the movie/manga's end is basically stripping him of dignity in his last moments D: although he did get there in the anime when he got cornered, I thought it was interesting seeing him die on the steps, alone...like his quest to reach the top is what got him killed...it was poetic!

Reuben Filimaua

Yeah that's what's great despite it being changed. The change still benefited the character and the end of his arc from an extremely intelligent yet immature boy who wanted a peaceful world to a madman drunk with power who let his emotions of pride and superiority get the better of him, ending up dying alone. It just went from a brutal karma to a tragic ending for someone who had so much potential in being a good enforcer of the law like his father.