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And here it is guys!! One of the most epic season finale we've ever seen!! Man I still have goosebumps o.o Farewell Gus, you were one GREAT character and we're sure gonna miss you n.n (and Walter!!!! What's wrong with you?? Now you're using children?!?!? D:)


Breaking Bad 4X13 full.mp4


Karl Marx Grill

Im so sad that you guessed that with the wheel chair bomb all the surprise is gone… :-(


XD we didn't intend to! It was supposed to be a joke :P turned out we were right 😅

Karl Marx Grill

But great reaction tho,i love your channel. And season 5 will blow your mind even more then so far already. And you where right with GoT. Just to show you 2 how perfect BrBa ended. The final episode of the show received a 9,9 rating. GoT just 4,3 lol. Nothing more to say.