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o.o Oh.......When this fight started, we were ALL in for Roy to finally destroy Envy.....now we're not so sure we want him to go through with this XD Not if it's gonna kill him inside D: He's so freakin' angry right now!!


Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood 53 FLAME OF VENGEANCE reaction

** This episode's full reaction is available on Patreon ** o.o Oh.......When this fight started, we were ALL in for Roy to finally destroy Envy.....now we're not so sure we want him to go through with this XD Not if it's gonna kill him inside D: He's so freakin' angry right now!! To see the next episode right away, go over on our Patreon :D Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/chriskaileur Twitter: https://twitter.com/Kyuujinreacts Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kyuujinreacts/ EmberFrost's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ember_frost_/ Chriskaileur's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chriskaileur/


Captainb's base

Truth takes the form of the person facing them and the undertone of their voice.

Dake Weng

So glad you guys picked up on Mustang possibly losing himself over this so quickly. A lot of people really get into relishing Mustang making Envy suffer (hard to blame them considering how hateful Envy has been) and don't understand why Ed, Scar, and Hawkeye would be concerned, but you guys are totally on the ball here. The duality of the satisfaction seeing Mustang finally get justice for Hughes versus the uneasiness of seeing his unbridled wrath makes this scene / arc so damn rich. Can't wait for the next one!


It would be awesome if you guys watched the dubbed version of 53 and 54 after you finish the series. The emotion that Travis Willingham gives off as roy is just superb I know a lot of purists dont like anime dubs, but the dub for FMA:B is great