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And here'S Phase 5 guys!! I've never been more scared for our baby Gon than in this episode D: Poor thing!! He didn't give up though and we're so proud of him n.n!!! Now onto the next fights!!


hunterXhunter 19 full



Ur right they are looking for willpower and determination in this tournament. And Gon does have a lot of willpower and determination, so he doesnt give up, he doesnt like feeling helpless, can be kinda prideful and stubborn, but because of that he can also be selfish and self-centered, but also remember while it is important for characters and people to have strong willpower and never give up like Gon, it also important to know when to retreat at least if meant his and his friend's survival, and that is defin. something Gon needs to learn, since Gon could have easily died here, but really just kinda doesnt care, he was really lucky these rules were in place and he was fighting Hanzo. While in Killua's case he needs to work on when he should stand up for himself and fight and not retreat, basically they kinda have opposite problems so they compliment each other very well. Also, Killua does know hardship, a lot of hardship, just strength and power just means a lot to him, so seeing Gon win with something using something besides power when he is obviously weaker than Hanzo just plain confuses him, and he was pretty cocky and arrogant at the beginning of the show so yeah, and while he is good at observing and analyzing things and people, Kil doesnt always understand social situations or have the best social skills, at least not yet, and considering how he and where he was raised it makes sense he doesnt understand stuff like social interactions and cues very well yet.