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And it's with yet another incredible move by Gon that Phase 4 ends!!! Only one more phase and they're done....but it looks like they'll have to face eachother? I don't really know what that old man has in mind, but I'm excited o.o


hunterXhunter 18 full.mp4


Chrisenrico Sese

Love the reaction as always! I neeeeeed the next 2 episodes badly 😂 oh and i would skip episode 26 as it's the final recap episode of the series.


Me too, the next 2 episodes are are great, so is episode is 21 but in a different way than episodes 19 and 20. I actually wouldnt mind them watching the recap again, I like watching them react to stuff and it would be a nice refresher for them and us.


Just got to say I love that u guys are probably reacting to the endings right away, I prefer it to having to wait till the whole series is finished to see ur reactions to the ops and now the eds, esp. consdering since some episdoes I think have post credits scenes and that the eds are really good and only get better. I think it would be a good idea, to keep the eds reactions to full rections, but have in like one of the early reactions a reaction to the ed(s), this is just my 2 cents on it though. The text below may be a spoiler, I dont think it is, but I just wanted to warn u guys: Also, I just have to say one thing Gon does care for his friends a lot, but dont mistake that for being selfless, Gon isnt selfless, u will see what I mean later on that he is actually quite selfish, not necessarily a bad thing, but he is, Killua is more like the selfless one, u will see what I mean as the series processes, also keep in mind u noticing Gon not caring about harm esp. bodily harm, good on u for noticing that, that will be important later on, if this is too much of a spoiler please tell me, I didnt mean for it be, so I was trying to be vague.


Nice reaction the eds, Im so happy u are gonna probably be reacting to the eds as well as the ops right away now, the eds only get better, plus I just dont think I could wait the whole series to see ur guys reaction to them, I also think there is sometimes post credits scenes to episodes so I think its a good idea to react to the eds right away. Also, I think it would be a good idea to keep the eds and I guess ops reaction to the full reactions, and maybe in one of the early reactions have a reaction to the opening and ending, that is just my 2 cents on it though. Also, in the ed u asking if that was a picture of Killua it was, Gon was also there with his father and were in green, Kurapika was there with the Kurta clan and were in red, and Killua was in purple, I think Leo was there too, I just cant remember, this ed like a lot of eds in the show really tells a lot visually. Also I dont know if u said in the discussion of last episode's reaction or this one, but yes they all really need a lot of healing, like all 4 of them really need that, esp. Kil and Kurapika. Also, its funny u are being Gon being OP, and u usally not liking that, and how innocent he can be, two very interesting things to note. One that is Gon indeed innocent, but sometimes u can say he is too innocent and pure. And two Gon may seem overpowered, but he just a lot of skills that are esp. useful in a lot of the challenges since they involve nature, and instincts and out of box thinking and some other qualities I wont get into too much now have really been helping him during this exam, but look at times he has actually had to fight (which he mostly avoids in the 1st place), and u can see he may not be as OP as u think, he is in some respects since he is very talented but in a lot of ways he is not. The below text may be a spoiler, I dont think it is, but I just wanted to warn u guys just in case: Also, I just have to say one thing Gon does care for friends a lot but dont mistake that for being selfless, Gon isnt selfless, u will see what I mean later that he is actually quite selfish, not necessarily a bad thing, but he is, Killua is more like the selfless one, u will see what I mean as the series processes, if this is too much of a spoiler please tell me, I didnt mean for it be so I was trying to be vague.


It's alright!! I love that you're sobinto this show (it's making us really excited to move forward :D) as for the endings/openings, we'll do just that ;) we'll keep them in every full lenght reactions and only keep what's reaction worthy for the short version ;)