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I was so scared something was gonna happen to either Sayu or Mr. Yagami D: Although....to be fair, it's weirdly satisfying to see Light fail at being L XD I'm a bit like Near, here....I stand back and I enjoy the fiasco!!


Death Note 28 full.mp4


Rue Surnameunimportant

I think L may be like Mello in the sense he would willingly allow innocents to die if it meant getting closer to "winning" so to speak. Even if he came off as the opposite in order to properly work with the Task Force. He would certainly have allowed Yotsuba to kill someone to prove the notebook was real haha.


Yep I agree!! Mello cares a lot more about the goal than he does the means which is also Light's way of doing things (he doesn't care what he has to do or who he has to kill as long as he gets his eutopia) people like that are very dangerous D: