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I must express my deep regret in informing you that the game's release will be delayed once again. The primary reason for this unfortunate delay has been the persistently bad weather and the ongoing power issues in the area. Throughout this entire month, I have been grappling with constant power cuts, leaving me with only 1-2 hours of electricity each day, and sometimes even none at all. On top of that, I've experienced prolonged power outages lasting 1-3 days.

While there were brief moments of relief when the issue seemed to be resolved, it unfortunately resurfaced again. The village has been without electricity since yesterday morning, severely impacting my ability to work on the game.

I understand how frustrating and disappointing this is for everyone. As the developer, I still have approximately 25+ scenes to render and coding to implement before the game is ready for release. However, the persistent power cuts have significantly hindered my progress.

I want you to know that I'm doing my best to speed up the release process, and I apologize for any inconvenience caused. I am fully committed to ensuring the game is released as soon as possible, hopefully before the 30th, once the power cut issue is resolved.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support. I truly appreciate your patience during this challenging time.



I just wonder: In what arse of world u r living ? And what kind of hand-assed people work in the power company? What kind of electrical networks do you have such that people are constantly without electricity? In my country, this is rare (mainly due to fallen trees) and my colleagues restore power supply quickly and without recurring interruptions, mostly.


I'm a bit unsure about sharing my exact location since there's already a lot of personal information about me on the internet. Anyway, I live in a rural area, which unfortunately lacks many facilities, and our development is rather slow. Around the 13th or 14th, the transformer in our village blew out, and it took them about 3-4 days to fix it, possibly due to the rain or some other reason. I suspect they used a faulty transformer because we've been experiencing frequent power outages lately. At first, I thought the power issues were related to maintenance from the main branch, but the transformer went out again yesterday. They're claiming it's because of an overload or something, but honestly, they seem to be taking their sweet time to resolve it.

Paco Delnardo

Since it’s been over a month, we’re all hoping your power is back in order