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Hope you enjoy today's episode featuring monumental asshole, Peter Manuel. Here is a confession/poem written while he was in jail the final time. 

I'm Peter Anthony Manuel,

In Barlinnie Jail, I lie,

Awaiting on a High Court jury,

To sentence me to die.

I know the Jury's verdict,

Will sentence me to death,

For I'm Peter Anthony Manuel,

The foulest beast on earth.

I know you read your papers,

And shall read about my crime,

I have not caused the death of one,

But have caused the death of nine.

I'm looking for not sympathy,

For don't you realise,

I'm Peter Anthony Manuel,

A reptile in disguise.

I murdered Isabella (sic) Cook,

And young Anne Knielands too,

Shot the Watts and shot the Smarts,

And Sidney (sic) Dunn I slew.

I did these deeds without a doubt,

My guilt was found by law,

I'm Peter Anthony Manuel,

The Rat of Birkenshaw.

I wonder who the hangman is,

Since Pierrepoint's gone away,

But I know that I shall meet him,

On that ill fated day.

That day I'll get breakfast,

I know I'll get no lunch,

For the law must have its pound of flesh,

And they can hang me only once.

And when I'm dead they'll bury me

In a pit of burning lime,

But my name will live for evermore,

In the story book of crime.

And when they write my epitaph,

These words, they shall be seen.

Here lies Peter Anthony Manuel

Scotland's Frankenstein.



What. A. TURD!


Death and earth don’t rhyme Peter! My petty is strong today.