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While I've been working hard to get an interesting combat mechanic included, I do feel bad for not producing a lot of new interesting content.  So this week I focused on pumping out some additional characters.  

I managed to get the pig goblin model done, and the bird goblin almost done(he needs paint!)

They would both need weathering, but that's something I do in substance painter after I retopologize and bake textures.

Since this is a public post, I only want to share the SFW stuff here.

A couple additional imaged can be seen here some are NSFW:


There is also a video turnaround of the pig goblin here, its also NSFW:


I hope to get these guys game ready and into the game as soon as I can!

As always, I'd love to hear any comments, questions, etc!



Aww yiss NSFW.... goblin dicks, fuck. I guess the dirty work need to get done eventually. Nice models.

Voodoo Monkey

Yeah man, nice models. I totally understand that not all of the work is going to be "interesting" to us as far as sweet content every status update. There's a lot of backdoor things that take a lot of time and just a lot of mundane things that need to be figured out like designing door knows. Keep up the awesome work :)


The bird goblin's got a good creepy charm to him, and I don't feel like I've seen a character design quite like that before.


Big fan of the Pig Goblin, a bit less of the bird variant but then again everyone has their own preference and there is plenty of choice :). About the penises is the plan to use the same style? or is there a plan to also bring in 'exotic' variants ?


Yeah, Mithos, now pigman and birdman dicks are just the same. Please add some differences. Maybe shuft curvature, the head size, head shape...


Great work. Glad you solve this unclearance with bird look.


I know that my suggestion/question can look too usual, but is it possible to make some wings for bird goblin in order to make him flying? Like regular flying patrol logic between points, maybe some temporary stops on the ground. It would be a pity to waste such opportunity when you have climbing system implemented, which allows to make some "nests" for them in the levels and make taking down such enemies more interesting. Also it gives cool feature like making sex scenes where Meridiana is fucked in mid-air :3


I dont want answer for Mithos, but as I know, he (hm, he or it?) is a goblin king. So he won't fly. But is doesn't mean that there will be no fly enemies and mid-air H scenes. So, Mithos, will be flying monsters?)


He took me a bit to get right! At first his head was closer to his body with some fat rolls around the neck, and he had normal feet. Then I switched his legs out for bird legs, but that looked really wierd. I gave him normal legs with bird feet, and a neck, and he seemed to come together finally.


Good job :)


Very nice... Could (would) you make animations where Meridiana is active for this new characters ? (for change :) )


I saw this and thought of you: <a href="https://youtu.be/VN8iabNjuoA" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/VN8iabNjuoA</a>