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This week, I did a few tweaks to make sure the spell casting stuff is easy to understand,  I got a combo spell set up(still not super happy on the animations), and tried to get started on some lewd animations.      

Along with some general bug fixes.

The spell ring now has some icons to show what each element is what direction, and some visual and audio feedback to let you know your input was entered properly.  The chimes I'm using now sound a little bit too serene, but I like having an aural way to tell you've entered input.  

I also went in and add spell effects to a few spells, and set them up to work with the new system.  Most of them still need animations, as with the default animation they're all basically instant cast.

I set up the first combo attack.   It works well enough, its a straight ahead attack good for a target(s) directly infront of the player.  Its a three hit combo that each hit gets progressively stronger. 

I did hit a little hitch with it.  I tried to make the animations fast, so that the attack had some punch to it, and not a lot of input lag.  I feel like it ended up having a lot of disonance, though, as most of my animations don't have this kind of punch.   We'll see how it works out, but its something I'm gonna wait for feedback on.

So with all this combat stuff done, I was ready to get back into doing some lewd animations, but ran into a problem.  The incubus character was never set up with super flexible knees, as I wasn't really worried that I'd need them.   

When I showed that preview image, the pose did indeed need more deformation than I had allowed for.   So I had to go back and fix the knees by adding corrective blendshapes.  

Old knee bend:

New knee bend:

So now everything looks a little better when its deformed.  During this process, I did manage to somehow break the model, and get some ugly deformations even when she wasn't posed. 

I was finally saved by some intervention from Adeptus Steve , but it looks like the actual animation will have to wait until next week!

At any rate, that's about it for this week!

Thanks for your support, and as always I'd love to hear any feedback, or questions!



The new spell system looks nice. Is it the plan to keep it mostly solid in the player view or is it going to to be somewhat transparent? Everything looks really good and I'm glad to see that work is going well.


I might make it a little more transparent if it's blocking the view to much, but it will only be visible when you want to cast a spell.


Nitpick, but in terms of the four elements it should be air on top, earth on bottom, fire in the west and water in the east. Because of the natural opposites. Just wanted to point it out. Feel free to ignore.

Alliterative Acolyte

Three questions for you! Firstly, how vulnerable do you intend Meri to be while casting? I understand from some of your earlier posts that you want her to be fairly powerful once she starts slinging spells but will this be offset by prep-time, immobility or some other mechanic? Secondly, do you have a clear idea of what role sex will play in the finished game? I ask because currently its purpose is a little murky. Yes, it restores HP and can be used to reward minions (also a liability if you get too much), but it's almost wholly separate from magic which is currently where a lot of the fun is. I'm actually surprised that you didn't use it as a form of mana generation, but then that might just be because you still need to test spells and having to constantly seduce goblins for mana would get old quick. Finally, will there be spells designed to empower or synergize with converts? (Setting a goblin on fire and catapulting him into the mouth of an ice golem, for example)

Wesley Gunder

they may not be possible with the fear of infringement cough Av@tar cough...


Awesome questions! 1) When she's casting said spells, shes immobile and vulnerable to attack. I do plan that the bigger a spell is, the longer it takes to cast it, OR it has a huge cost. Maybe Both sometimes. 3) HP and mana are the same thing, so the sex stuff is a form of mana generation. I'd also like to have sex with different creatures give different types of bonuses, so that you must choose which bonus to have, or to give up a bonus for more health/mana. It may also end up being a way to get more spells. 3) Yeah, I do want spell synergy, and my ultimate goal is that no one spell is super effective on its own. I don't know how many ice golems I'm planning, but flinging burning goblins will definitely be possible!


Good to know. Would that interfere at all with aiming the spells at all or has that not been a problem at all?


How to download the update?


There isn't an update to download every week, this is just an update of what I've been doing.


looks great my dude. keep up the good work