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I hope my American friends had a Happy Thanksgiving, and I hope everyone is ready to CONSUME this Christmas Season!

Among other things I started to put together the opening cutscene that I had been working on.   The first pass is.... rough.   

Its not super clear even to me what's going on, and I wrote it!.  I definitely need a few more scenes to finish it up, so I tried to story those, and after I get some feedback from some friends, I'll see what stays and get that animation done and the final scenes put together.

Otherwise things are cruising along, and I have started streaming.   My start times tend to vary depending on how much bandwidth I have available, but its generally in the evenings EST.


I hope everyone has a wonderful week, and stay safe!



Well, I'm still glad that you started to work on the opening cutscene, I hope you have enough ideas to complete this)