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This past week was a short one due to the holiday, but none the less here's a weekly update.

The goblin now has an idle animation of him searching around.  While this makes for him having a mere two animations, its enough to get him moving around.

And so I did, he now has a simple AI set up. 

He will move between a few patrol points, and look out for the player. 

If he sees the player or is hit by an attack,  he will turn to go after them. 

If he loses sight of the player, he will check where he saw them last, then go back to his patrol.  This will all need to be rewritten as its a little buggy, but at this point its enough to get him moving around.

The goblins can also be killed, and are apparently quite explosive!

I've also added a magic cost to Meridiana's spells, and some UI elements to see what the spell costs and what magic is left.

The most important thing finished this week is the addition of a goblinriffic interaction animation.  If the goblin manages to run into Meridiana, he gets a little reward. 

Its not all bad though, in the end it will restore some of Meridiana's Magic, and hurt the goblin as well!

A lot of what I've got done here isn't final, and most of it will probably end up quite different, but now I've at least got something where a player can run around, cast some spells, and get a dirty animation(or two hopefully in the next week or so).

So because we're starting to get to some of the NSFW stuff, I have a link to some of the pictures.  I don't think I'm supposed to host anything too dirty on Patreon's server.

so here is the NSFW link.


Attached below are the pictures that are safe for work if you just want to see those!

Of course any comments questions concerns let me know!




Damn Mithos, at this rate we're really gonna have to start figuring out the plot to this game! Things are looking great!


These weekly updates are nice.


Man this is looking promising. I bet in a couple months when you got the code polished and get enough set pieces to make a very basic small closed level to show off the features, you can release it as a free beta demo and then public interest will begin to skyrocket for this game. Keep up the good work! ^^