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 This week I wanted to hit on a few things, but the big thing I started with was trying to give the enemies some more variety between them.    To do so I want to give them more individualized attacks, and I started with the bird goblin dude.  This ended up taking me a little more time then I had wanted.  

The bird goblin guy will now be more of a ranged attacker, who uses crossbows to try to kill you. 

In the video he fires the shots off pretty quickly, but I've slowed it down since.  He has to take time to reload the crossbow, and then aim for a moment, so that slows down his rate of fire.   He doesn't track very well, so as long as you keep moving, he'll have a hard time hitting you.

If you get to close, I PLAN on having him take a wack at you with the butt of the crossbow.  This will take a little more time to implement based on how I originally built the attack system.

Getting everything implemented, especially getting his aim right took me more time then I planned, and I fell short of time to work on a few other things.   I did manage to make a few final adjustments to the dudes rig, and I'll see if I can throw together another animation with him.

I also spent some time watching some learning resources on how to best shatter the frozen enemies.  I don't want to completely implement that until its right!

Hope everyone is staying safe and sane, and Have a wonderful week, or at least as best a week as you can!


Crossbow oh no!

I've really wanted to differentiate the monsters I have in my game, and not just have a bunch of creatures all trying to charge you. The first thing I thought of was giving them different weapons. The Bird goblin dudes will now carry crossbows. I need to update the animations so they take longer to aim before shooting, and then reload afterwards. But otherwise it adds some serious danger. https://www.patreon.com/Mithos56 (NSFW)



Looking good. I am sll for ranged combat.


It would be nice to remove the arrows with something. Otherwise it turns out eroguro.


when will the next demo be released with all this new things? like the human npc's and the crossbow ? since she has a gun already was going to suggest a slingshot :P rock vs gun = rock wins? lol


Okay, the main thing is that the work on the bird goblin is completed and now it's time to do other important things. I would like to note that work on the bird goblin went well.


Is it possible that a button can be pushed during the xxx animation, which then gives the woman a slap or spits?


then how to take a bow out ? seriouslly, she cant dead :v


The combat is starting to look real nice. Good job!