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New game build is up!!

I managed to get MOST of what I wanted done for this build, but there are a few things that I didn't get to. Most of it is planning and story oriented stuff for for down the line, but there are a few things I ended up cutting.

The files are zipped, so you need to unzip them with winzip or winrar. IF you're using windows 11, I believe it will treat it like a regular folder, but you do need to extract the files to a different folder on your computer to make things play.

I ran through and tested that everything DOES work, but please let me know of any bugs that come up!



March 30th Update

- Minotaurs are now very aggressive!

- Ogres will now stomp on you if they get the change

- Fish men are not wandering around

- Fish Mutants are also wandering around. They might get a bit confused when they see you though

- Fish Mutants and Fish Men added to the combat test area generators

- Really far away Ogres no longer shake the screen

- The beginning of the tutorial stage is has been added with the cutscene in place. It still needs final sound fx

- Few extra rooms added to the dungeon

- The tutorial level now includes a brief section on how to use weapons/items. This will be bigger in the future.



Awesome looking forward to trying it