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Heya guys. I just want to give you an update on what I plan to do and what's been going on in my life. First off, I plan to pause my Patreon for December, so I can finally catch up on the comms I owe throughout the entirety of that month. But for now, I must focus on the Ann Takamaki pic, and so far, only one of you guys (outside of Discord DMs) only gave me one idea for that pic, and I was hoping for more ideas from the winner post... I have yet to start on the Ann pic for a few reasons:
1. Working at Mickey D's has been sucking up my time and energy a lot as of late, given that it's the holiday season. So, I usually feel exhausted every time I finished working or even during my shift. And as of late, they started making me work without a smartphone, so I cannot talk to you guys as much as I did sneakily before.
2. As a relative newbie to the Persona series (by juggling between the big three, mostly two, games), I've been mainly hesitant on taking on an art style like that of the Persona series, as I have almost never really drawn characters from those games at all. That, and finding references feels like a bit of a tricky task for me who's essentially paranoid about spoilers over games that are well over a decade old (ON PLAYSTATION), but I did manage to get a good amount of refs for Ann. However, I could still keep looking for more refs for say, Ryuji, Morgana, Joker, and Yusuke to name a few, for background chibis. As well as some makeshift backgrounds and UI elements, but at this point, I'm starting to make this sound too ambitious for a single character pic that is meant for this month. And quite frankly, I feel bad about it, lol. (I keep doing this to myself...)
3. I have recently passed a driver's test after many weeks, months, and even years; to the point of another degree of exhaustion. But even if I'm officially licensed to drive, I still have quite a bit of hurdles to go through, but that's beside the point.
4. I've finished a public archive that will be posted on Twitter, Bluesky, and other sites that will be accessible via a Dropbox link. And I decided to wait until I make a thumbnail pic of Hooligan-tan in her artist clothes before I release it proper. However, to all my patrons, I will present to you my public archive link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/ehhlst4rnp2cwq3a0e8bi/h?rlkey=vb5g7fb0m9ftvn5dy3gw9nqt2&dl=0

The link is also available in my Discord server.

So, yeah... Sorry for this long-winded explanation as to what I've been up to and my plans.
But I had to get this all off my chest. However, "I will put my heart and soul into creating the best [fat bunny girl Ann art] ever!" (I couldn't resist, lol)

Until then, thanks for your continued support.

Oh, and don't forget to give me more ideas on the bunny suit Ann pic, lol.

Anyways, thanks again.


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