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Heya, guys! Happy November! So, now that October is over and done with, I'm thinking of doing a new poll. And as of late, I'm thinking of doing a poll based on Persona characters. If you got characters I can turn into fat bunnies, please let me know in the comments! I'm very excited to hear your ideas, along with your characters of choice! Also, I apologize for the delayed and discombobulated schedule as of late. Work has been very taxing on my time and energy and I recently failed a driving test, so I gotta do that again (Parallel parking in one go is gonna be a pain, lol). But yeah, another bit of news is that I'll be starting on making a cloud drive service for my art. It would be available to both the public AND for patrons. However, $5 patrons will be able to get exclusive CLIP and PSD Files!

But yeah, that's about it for now! Hope you had a happy and safe Halloween.



Ann, as far as bunny suits she could wear one while doing belly sex, if you want to get into the Holliday her outfit coulf have the same color pallet as a turkey


I would happily vote for a fat Yukiko (or perhaps a Naoto, if you prefer?)!!!! Not sure exactly what I'd want... maybe some tube feeding stuff or something. Perhaps she takes part in Chie's big diet, but without the exercise...