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Had a really harsh day yesterday, couldn't neither eat nor drink from stress ffs
My partner's email got hacked as well as amazon account and paypal lol

Tho I was even laughing cuz those assholes ordered on amazon chocolate or something like this that cost like 1 euro
But later we discovered that amazon had declined orders for around 20k euro cuz it seemed fishy lol
We didn't see the amazon or PP notifications cuz those fuckers put a filter that silenced them

I have no idea whether it has been some sort of a leaked database or something else, but my partner's mistake was that he had same password for email amazon and paypal. Even if this shit didn't happen to me I'm honestly still shaking at the thought of all this shit. All the lost money has been returned by support (god bless them omg), but i can't stop feeling the need to change again all passwords

so GUYS, never ever use same password everywhere! Ik it sounds obvious, but I've made this mistake in the past as well (tho thankfully nothing happened). Use special symbols, numbers and uppercase letters in ur password and make sure it's long. If u have same passwords somewhere go change them so u don't find urself in the same situation of mine.

I honestly don't know how come my partner's email was hacked, but i suspect there's been a leak in pp database or amazon cuz he had same password only there, so just for ur own security change ur passwords for these two!

And take care of urself guys! q-q




as someone who also had my own amazon (with $100+ of charges), genshin account (pain in the arse to get this one back), and a few other things hacked i feel this and honestly it’s terrifying. :( god i’m glad you guys managed to resolve it … i use keepass to manage my passwords!! it’s not an online/cloud service and it’s fully free and opensource w/community support, just an application on ur laptop that’s not linked to anything… and authy for 2FA… after that it sent me in a tizzy panic and i completely moved off gmail and onto protonmail and alias emails cause i feel like something got compromised there;;; the drawing looks lovely as well, by the way ;-;

Pragati Rana

I've had that and somehow someone took out £700 and I didn't have an overdraft and then I had no funds to get to work D: I'm so glad those big transactions got stopped, that qouldce been super scary


Not one of my accounts that use money or require money have the same password for this reason.


I hope that all works out for you. Thats scary stuff


Oh god… the Genshin account is really such a pain in ass to get back, I’ve heard that so many times t-t Keepass is a good tool, I’m using it too, tho me is me and my partner has his own stuff xd Well, he had no 2fa neither on Amazon nor on Pp, so no wonder it happened uh 🙄they also paid Google ads with his PayPal (tho since his account has been suspended they didn’t charge anything). And just out of curiosity I asked what was in the ads and yk what?? NFT shit lol Ughhh I’m so angry with those assholes, I’d love them to be punished for all the nerves and money of the poor people they got scummed. And I hope they will be.


lemme DM you on twit, it’s easier than patreon replies!! cause they did the same with my facebook and gmail (signing up for ads) but that was cancelled real quick cause it seemed suspicious :(


Oh god… I hope u got ur money back 😣 uhhhhh- why, just why there’s no punishment for those bitches who do this? I’m ready to burn them alive honestly.. if only I could find them ><


And u’re doing great! I’ve changed my passwords long time ago so they’re not same, but my partner.. well, I didn’t even know about it lol


I also leave false password hints that only I would know the answer to.


Everything is fine now, thank u! We’ve worked fast to recover everything, so- phew! It’s fine. Tho I’m rlly paranoid now

Pragati Rana

Thankfully my bank was really quick to realise i was not in the city where the transaction was made so they have it back straight away. Usually banks will try to chase the fraudsters and the profile they use gets reported across all financial institutions. Then their accounts are seized, and if they ever try to create a new account they're blacklisted before they can even complete application