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His skin is so difficult to draw cuz it has so many shades x-x

But I’m trying to make it look good! Tomorrow I’ll finish him x)

———- personal stuff

I can’t draw genshin rn cuz I got so disappointed with the toxicity of its fandom.. I know the game has nothing to do with people, but it feels like whatever I do will be judged and labeled as “shit”. People will always find something to judge an artist for. Even if the artist is posting their art for free just to share their emotions with others, to give others joy.

I just don’t understand people who come to me and express how my drawings suck, how I am a shitty person etc. just why people can’t skip it? Why people have to express their toxicity on me, who just shares art?

Surely there’re a lot of good people who tell me good words, but when an abundance of these toxic people come and just shit on me.. it makes me feel terrible. This is the backside of being popular ig

So for now I’ll be drawing my OCs just to recover from these emotions

Sorry I just had to express myself somewhere, but I’m too afraid to show my emotions to the public. People may take it as my weakness and use it. But since here I have a very small but trusted community, it makes me feel easier speaking here.

And I just wanna thank u guys for your support. Truly, if it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’ve stopped drawing for a while.




Hi Daoine. I hope you’re doing better. I didn’t have a chance to check out your work until now because of uni work. I’m sorry to hear about you’ve been going through. Take all the time you need to rest and relax. I can understand your frustration towards the Genshin fandom. It can definitely be toxic, and challenging to avoid, especially since I know you enjoy that universe. I’m glad you’re taking a break from that toxic environment to focus on yourself (and your OCs). You’re doing an amazing job. Your work is always a pleasure to see, and it always makes my day when I see your art. Take care of yourself 💖🌸 I’ll love and support you, always


Oh my god! Thank you so much! 🤧🤧 Don’t worry, I know u’re always here hehe❤️ and I hope ur uni work is going fine! Tho still I wish u lots of luck with it :3 And for real I wanna thank u for ur support T-T I really appreciate it and ur comments actually make me feel much better I love you 😭❤️