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The last couple of weeks I've learned a whole bunch of things about animation, and spent a lot of time trying to figure out the best pipeline for getting the dwarves animated.

As far as I can tell, I'll be rigging and posing in Blender, then bake the animations and export them to Godot. The engine has the option to make an animation library and retarget other models so I won't have to import each and every dwarf with the same animations, but I haven't checked it out in detail yet.

Anyway, I'm almost done getting the rig ready for posing, I only need to prepare it for some extra item slots, like the side purses or arrow quivers from Thief.




Are you doing the animations by hands or do you have one of these fancy suits with tracking cameras? I know the later used to cost an arm and a leg in the past, but I believe there's more affordable solutions nowadays. Keep up the good work, champ. Can't wait to play your next game. :)