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This week I have commenced what I consider to be the most important part of Haggard's development.
Unlike Hedon, for which I used to sketch a level and then go ahead and build it, for Haggard I plan to sketch the *entire* game first.
I cannot state how important sketching is - since I have a lot of ideas written down, I will have to shape and distribute them along the 11-12 levels I have planned in order to be brief and not lose myself along the way.
In this stage, I'll be building Haggard's skeleton and hopefully end up with a complete layout to which I can add and adjust elements as I go further in development and thus refine the game while having a decent overview.

This sketch is Map02, a nice and comprehensive level on which me and papy plan to build the game prototype upon.

Expect a lot of such sketches in the future months :^)




Awesome news! Can't wait for more to come! Just to clarify though, when does Haggard take place? Before or after Hedon?

Mr Red

Looks good. Nice simple layout, can tell pretty well what everything is. I agree with the plan to draw up a map for the game first, it will make the design a lot more consistent across the board.