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Starting off the haggard enemy concept art series with one of the odd ones - the Stone Elemental! 

Stone Elementals are Haggard's equivalent of a mechanized sentry. They are incredibly tough, although the central crystal is a weak point that can be exploited to destroy them. Doing so, however, can only result in a lot of noise and ruckus being caused, which means that the player will have no means of silently putting them out of commission.

And here's the fun part - Stone Elementals are naturally peaceful entities. In order to be used as sentries and be able to tell friend from foe apart, they are controlled by a nearby magic user/channeler.

The player could potentially knock this controller out in order to render all Stone Elementals in the level neutral, which makes for a nice security stealth mechanic in a fantasy setting imo.

As far as attacks go, Stone Elementals have both melee and ranged attacks, either cleaving with their "blade" arm or shooting stone shards in a wide arc.



Julien Grenier

Knocking the controller to render each elemental sentry neutral in a level. Now that's a great idea that would make level exploration easier.


Very Thief II vibes I'm getting here! I like! Just need to add Garrett as a crossover and we're good!