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Sorry for the absence. As some of you know from Discord, I have accidentally spilled soup right onto my laptop's keyboard (the universe's way of rewarding me for working on the release trailer during the lunch break). Of course it had to happen right before release... this led to a grueling couple of weeks in which I had to balance communicating with the shittiest PC service I've ever happened upon and working on crappy borrowed laptops without most of the software I usually use.  For multiple times I've lost several hours of work, partially due to having to keep working on the map in an ineffective way, while also experiencing crashes on one of the borrowed laptops.

I'm at my absolute fucking limit mentally, and what's worse  is that the delay will affect beta testing time. I want to keep my promise and release Bloodrite by the end of the summer (30 august most likely), so if you guys wanna play the game early and leave your mark by providing feedback, it's time to get ready for it.

As you can see, Map21's geometry is done, as well as a swiss cheese of a script structure that's missing a lot of graphic assets I couldn't work on. Now that I have my laptop back and working (I guess?) I HOPE to finish this within 5 days or so... and since I have to submit the game to the stores 2 weeks before release, that leaves us with about 10 days of beta testing time, in which I'll have to do a session for both Map21 itself as well as the entire game.

Anyway, fuck it, I'll keep you posted.



Mr Red

It's good to have you back! It must have been really stressful having to wait all that time for those dumbasses to fix your PC. Wish we could have helped more. But hey ho. The new map looks evil as hell, I can't wait to see what's up in it!