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Phew. I've waited years to make this, but here it is, at last! The initial slot 4 weapon, which is (not surprisingly) - the Paingun!

Since I'm working on art assets ahead of their levels, this comes a bit early and actually gets introduced in a lore friendly way around half way into Episode 2. But yeah, here it is. I'll be spending quite some time on the animations and implementation of this beast, but I'll keep you posted.

PS: Which one do you like more? I think the top one looks more interesting, but the bottom is more balanced. Still, I incline towards top version.




Looks awesome!


At first I read this as The Painguin. I thought you were making killer penguins as a new enemy or something.


"But Zan! Isn't _every_ gun a pain gun?"


Seriously though, that looks SO fun to use.

Siegfried Pinzer

I like the first verson better, but the weapomn looks sick as hell, can't wait to use it myself


Oh ho ho! :D I can't wait to try this! As for the version, I'm in favor of the 1st one if it's a rotary.


First one looks less cluttered and more utilitarian.