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Hey guys! 

As you may have heard, I'm planning to release the 1.5.0 update for Hedon which is the definitive version for the first and current episode of the game. 

I'm planning to hold a 3 day (20-22 Oct) beta testing mainly focused on the new starting area and content.  Here's your chance for you or a friend of yours to get a free Hedon key! 

All you have to do is message me (anywhere you can, although Discord is best - Zan#0149) if you are down to do some testing. You will receive a beta build, and after you answer some feedback related questions, you can keep the game via a Steam key.  I am also especially looking for blind playthroughs, so feel free to tell your friends or anyone else who would be interested in Hedon but hasn't bought it yet.  

Thanks and have a good one, waiting for your messages!


dakota m baker

I already bought the game, is there a chance I can access the beta?