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Okay, a lot of stuff has piled up so I'll do a TL;DR

1. Next patch and GOG release - by the end of October

2. Hellblaze - done

3. Hellclaw - done

4. More bug fixes, balancing, adjustments and stuff like general gore improvements + extra frag death for Cerberus (note that almost every monster now has a separate death state for Fragshot/Acid/Crylance which I call "frag death")- done

5. Map11 - ~25% done, on hold until the definitive episode 1 patch I'm working on is out

6. Dozens of new graphical assets for episode 2 (which I kinda don't want to post sneak peeks of because some are spoilerish) - done and counting

7. Map01 Hell flashback extension - commenced, working on graphic assets for the Demon Citadel "tileset"

8. Thanking supporters for everything and apologizing for falling behind on the art rewards which I'll get to after I'm done with this workstorm - done



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