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Okay okay, don't get overexcited, this isn't that big of a deal.

So I decided I wanted to stop depending on GZDoom so much, and I hired Rachael from the ZDoom community to make me a Hedon specific engine fork.

Due to the nature of the license of the engine, I also had to essentially come up with a new name and logo, and I went for something that would reflect that this is just a minor fork and it's still 99.9% GZDoom. So what does it do then?

1. It customizes the settings menus, removing things like network options or player options that make no sense for Hedon and are more confusing than anything.

2. It allows for a message autoscaling script to run that detects the player's screen resolution and auto adjusts the messages to a proper scale. This is very important, as reading texts is essential for Hedon, and having to ask people to go search for options to configure themselves was never a great thing. Now all of this is finally sorted out, no more need to scale text by yourselves!

3. It holds Hedon's default configurations rather than vanilla Doom's. Again very useful, especially that now you can reset to defaults directly from the settings if you mess something up, and I no longer have to rely on packing an external .ini file with the game.

These are the main points so far - again, it's more of an ease of access tweak but nonetheless a very important one. Remember that not everyone is familiar with Doom, and this just makes Hedon look less shoddy. I might do more in the future, but for the time being, this is it.

I am hoping to release the next update to Steam this upcoming weekend, so stay tuned.




I am assuming/hoping the removal of the multiplayer specific options from the menu does not also entail breaking multiplayer support via the console/command line options. I don't imagine it would, but that'd be a little sad if it did.


Glad to hear you're getting the engine tuned to your game! Will you release the source for the fork at the same time as the distribution on Steam?

Zan the Bonebreaker

Errr, it's available on github already. Again, it has to be under the same license as GZDoom, so it's available to everyone.


Ah, cheers, I've found the repo on Rachael's GitHub. :)

Dark Castle

Very awesome :O