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And finally, the last track from Alexander Brandon for the current chapter. Initially the fist piece of music made for Unreal, it was eventually extended but did not make it into the released game. A meaningful track, that I am honored to have given a home, moreso that it so well captures the atmosphere and world of Hedon.

Ladies and gentlemen... Underworld.


[Hedon OST] Alexander Brandon - Underworld

ModDB: http://www.moddb.com/mods/hedon Support Hedon on Patreon and get your rewards! https://www.patreon.com/hedon A fine track for a final level, don't you think? A track that sums up Hedon. Underworld. Don't forget to check out Alexander Brandon here: https://alexanderbrandon.bandcamp.com/ ___________________________________________ Composed by Alexander Brandon.



Cool song, cool story behind it.