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Alright, Ill do a poll for this. I've been thinking about collapsing all of the tiers down to a single 5 dollar tier, giving people access to everything i have to offer. This means unpublishing and eventually deleting the 1, 3, 6, and 10 dollar tiers and having everyone either migrate to the new 5 dollar tier or unsubscribe.

I'm having people say "I like the idea, however"  but I would like some concrete yeses and nos. 



im all for a single tier if it makes it easier for you but imo i feel that 5 might be a little low


Make maybe a 1$ and 5$ tier. And anyone who wants to contribute more can just do so. But its not good to remove the completely small tier due to people who just want to throw a little your way, especially those living in poorer countries. 5$ is an entire full Restaurant meal here and roughly 1 hour of salary work. While I am happy to give that, others from countries like mine might not be able to