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The usual mishmash of studies and doodles. I’m back on that “sketching on yellow ocre” bullshit Winton Kidd infected me with, it is so much nicer on my poor eyeballs.

I recently started using Clip Studio Paint on iPad again now that I have a decent keyboard for it, debating whether I’m going to switch all the way or keep using Procreate or Infinite for my scratch work. CSP is wonderful but NOT friendly to use without a keyboard imo. But sometimes you just want a sketchbook in your lap and a cup of herbal tea in your free hand you know? So I imagine I’ll still use SOMETHING as a place to do rough work. Maybe I’ll try Autodesk again…



Alexander Roper

are the last sketch who I think they are? 👀 also: donk!


I love these all of these :D