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Hey, fam! A little update on my “plans going forward” discussion from earlier. 

So, I came up for air today and opened my project tracker, removed the filters, and evaluated my remaining workload for the old commissions I took.

And immediately had to regulate a boatload of anxiety because I still have *Nineteen Full-Color, Detailed Commissions to Go.*


So, here’s the thing. If I manage to find a job, part time or otherwise, that has decent pay and ISN‘T transphobic as fuck, I will probably be able to get one, maybe two, of these done a week and not much else. If I can’t find a decent job, then I’m going to have to keep taking on sketch and flat color commissions to make ends meet. Which means I will STILL likely only get one or two done a week.


So, timeline wise, that puts us around March or April before enough wiggle room opens up for me to do much else besides commissions, outside of warmups and the occassional keep-Molly-sane personal drawing. And I am very grumpled about this.

I have some really, outstandingly exciting and fun ideas I want to start up here on Patreon. I desperately want to move away from personal commissions and do more interactive, patron-driven stuff that will help me flex my comic-making and character-designing skills. I want to build towards unique art projects that I can make into art books, merch, you name it - and right now, instead, I get to practice emotionally regulating while not being able to do the thing I want.

And that’s fine.

Fact is, despite how intense that is and how frustrating the six-ish months ahead are, things could be a whole fuckton worse. I know folks who are working 40+ hours in body-destroying service work who are basically surviving thanks to breathing more weed than air and wondering if they’ll make it to 50. If I’m working overtime drawing other people’s big-titty OCs and not getting out much for half a year, well, I can deal. It’ll wear me out, but goddamn, Molly, count your blessings.

(I share all this because I am also committed to dropping the bullshit rigid behaviors art school and martial arts taught me. I’m through putting on a show and trying to pretend I’m some perfectly put-togehter ultra-productive rockstar 24/7, that instagram crap can fuck right off. I’m a human being and I strugglebus every goddamn day, and I don’t want someone looking at me and thinking “Gee, I can’t do art like that, I’m not nearly as productive and put-together as her!” 

I want people to think “Goddamn if that traumatized gremlin can still draw bomb-ass titties, I bet I can too!”

So, yeah. It’s commissions all the way down till March/April. I’ll be updating every week with the commissions (that I can share) as they get done, and re-opening for Sketch and Flat Color commissions very soon after I knock out a fairly big-ticket job that I have to finish to get paid for.

TO MAKE UP FOR THAT BOGUS BUMMER I’m going to post here every goddamn day with WIPS, sketches, whatever I worked on recently. I’ll put em on Discord too.  If it’s a project I can’t share fully, I’ll do cropped teasers instead. Just, SOMETHING to reward you lovely people for having my back. It’s the least I can do.

Thanks for reading, pervs. Take care of yourselves.



Do what you gotta to get by in our dystopian hellscape, girl. We'll be here and eager to see whatever you get up to!


That 👆