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Y'all know May was a shitshow so I'm gonna keep this recap short, cause I'm genuinely ready to move on & don't see any use in dwelling.

The month had barely begun, I was starting to kind of convince myself I was ok, and then I had a mental breakdown worse than any before and totally burned out. So I crawled into a hole and pulled it in after me for a while. During that time I tripled down on therapy, joined a meditation group, and found a trauma coach who is helping me turn things around. (I'm still raising the funds to pay for his program.) 

A week of June has gone by, and I'm on the mend, and I'm really grateful for all of you for sticking with me through this dark time. There is much to do, and I'm only just beginning, but for now I just want to reiterate how happy I am that I've gotten to do this. I've made artwork, touched lives, and received kindness and support in return. The joy I have just knowing that is something impossible to put into words. All I can say is thanks for being part of it.

That's all for now. Love you all very much, and I hope you're taking care and doing well.


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