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Hey cuties!

What started as a little one-off project has, as these things do, taken on a life of its own. I'm now looking at fleshing this out into a proper weekly webcomic, with a plot and everything! 😱 The plan is still to explore the Mega Man/X story shape, but inject it with sexuality, relationships, and a healthy dose of 90s anime influence. I'm thinking of posting them exclusively here for a while, in high resolution, and then later in the year I'll set up a website and start regular uploads of a lower-res file for the public. That way y'all get early access and higher quality, but I can share this story with everyone.

I still hope to have the first pages going by next month, though that will depend on commission workload. In the meantime I'm doing a lot of writing and lore-building to make sure I know where I'm going as I make the pages.

So, let's talk about what I have here so far!

First up is some iteration on the protag, with the color palette you voted on! I don't have a name for her but I'm really liking where her design is going. (Don't mind X, he's just there for me to test out some new brushes, lol.)

After that, some initial thoughts on our versions of Light and Wily, more or less - Dr. S. Luxe and General T. Grammaton. I'm going for a transmasc, genderfucky vibe with Luxe - a very pretty man who makes you ask questions you're not ready to know the answers to! Grammaton is a gruff, conservative military type with a nontheless charming demeanor. 

And finally, the little robot guy there - I adore Mettools and Reaverbots so I gotta have some cute, mostly useless robots in this universe!

A question for you guys - what kind of robot master/maverick characters would you like to see? Would you be more interested in humanoid or more anthropomorphic ones? What kind of powers/abilities would make for good sexy stories?



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