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I think I had the most fun out of all of them with this one, not gonna lie.

I spent the past few experimenting with tools and techniques, trying to find the combination of method and final result that satisfied me. My ADHD can really get in the way when elements of the artistic process become tedious, frustrating or ugly - executive function goes out the window when I'm frustrated or bored. I reduced down to a handful of brushes and tools that feel good, and payed attention to what felt good *and* looked good, regardless of how "correct" the method.

For example, I found I actually keep a lot more engaged manually filling in large areas of color, rather than relying on the fill tool. Something about the tactile feeling of swishing the stylus around and seeing the "paint" fill in makes my brain go "brr" haha.

Also, drawing the rippled on her ass was super fun.

One last XBV picture to go, hopefully done in the next handful of days - ideally, I'll squeak it in before February, but we'll see.



Kyle Delaney

The ripples are great 💖