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We're about halfway through the month, so here's my doodles so far! You'll see the beginnings of later finished work here too...

9.21 - Here's some more! Lots of studies, more progress on my cyber succubus Trawn, some Loya expression work, and surprising no-one, the Major.

10.1 -  A few more studies, some experiments with color, and a Batou to round it all out. And that's the lot! These will be included in the downloads I'll be sending out around the 7th. 




1- "Auggh how is September almost over?!" (tense /worried face) 2- Amazing collection of sketches, Al :D thank you!


Boy tell me about it! I'm behind on getting ready for October *sweats* Thanks man!! 💖


Those Alita ones are cute!@