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Hello again to my dear Inner Circle! I have quite a bit of news for you.

First, the bad. I was laid off from my job last Friday. I was brought on back in March to pitch-hit for someone they were about to fire. They paid me a damn good hourly fee, so it was worth the tedium and lack of drawing time. Then Backstreet Boys Tour hit and they kept me on because they would have gone under without me. They even tried to hire me back full time, but their attempt to convert me to salary was not adequate for my needs and I had to turn them down. At this point I knew sooner or later things would change, so I started scaling my hours back in order to try and accommodate their need to reduce cost and mine to make time for other work. Within a week of that, they told me my position was eliminated. Ouch.

But, it wasn't a total surprise, and I was ready for it. My wife and I have been very diligent with our money for the past year or so, and have emergency funds set aside just for such an occasion. We'll be ok short term. But the clock's ticking and I gotta make a call - go job hunting, or lean in to my art and see if I can make something beautiful happen?

Fuck it. With folk like y'all at my back, I've got a shot. Let's do this shit.

So the good news: commissions are open and y'all get first dibs! I won't go public with this until tomorrow. Secondly, it means I'm going to be scaling up my efforts for Patreon and my art in general. My heart tells me it's time to swing for the fences and that's what I'm going to do. I'm still working out my exact production schedule, as well as what projects to focus on first, but expect to see a lot more artwork out of me within a week or two.

I cannot do this without y'all. Now, more than ever, I need your kindness and support. Please consider commissioning me, and when I post it publicly in the next day or two, please signal boost. I would love it if you would also encourage anyone you know who might want to get a commission or join us here on Patreon to do so.

It means the world that you folks have stuck around with me and supported me through all these crazy times. I'm excited as hell to go whole hog and give you lots of good smut to enjoy, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous too. Knowing I've got an Inner Circle who has my back helps me feel a bit better. So thank you.

If you'd like to commission me, fill out this form and I'll get back to you ASAP. Slots will be limited to what I can reasonably accomplish in a couple weeks, after which I will provide a "wait list" form that you can submit to if you'd like to be notified when a slot opens up.

You're the best.





Very cool! Do we know what the current commission rates are?