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Hey Inner Circle! Going to try something a little different in an effort to keep this page a bit more organized - every month I'll make a Master Post for my sketches that month and update it whenever I do a new one. I'll be sure you get notified when I do!


  • As some of you saw on Discord, I'm reworking Sadie's design off and on when I have time, which I'm enjoying quite a bit. She feels much more cohesive now - lots of triangle shapes and repeating motifs like the piercings. She's keeping the power symbol from when I first made her, but I made it a trampy little pussy tattoo haha. I also like her being less busty - more realistic for a person with such low body fat and high muscle. Most fitness models get implants, though there are exceptions. And that's fine, their body! But I wanted Sadie to have an all-natural feel. I also think her being smaller in the chest contrasts her a little better against Loya.
  • A few misc studies, and a bald fellow with a halo who might be part of a future project. We shall see...


  • The three sketches in blue are from a Drawpile with my friend JaxxetteIvy. I'm getting more and more interested more cutesy stylization - those MegaMan proportions are just so appealing!
  • Also pictured is a pointy-headed fellow whom I call The Voice of Doubt. He's the personification of my negative self-talk. I used to draw him all the time when I first started therapy. Externalizing and identifying unkind self-talk that way has been hugely helpful. You might see more of him as I keep wrestling with it and growing my self-love practice.
  • Sacks n' balls for practice! I'm pushing myself with the basics a lot lately, reducing my available tools and focusing on conveying form with value using a limited range of colors and solid shapes. It has really helped me, I recommend it!


  • Lots of bits n bobs from drawpiles with friends, plus a few misc studies and doodles. Sadie has developed a four armed form!




I am in love with Sadie 💕