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We have been exposed to manga and anime since we were small children. It is natural for children to want to create their own manga and anime in the future. They will start drawing and learning from the model of those manga and anime.

My first dream was to become a background artist for animation. I went to school and went to art college for that. At that point, I had no intention of becoming an animator. However, I gradually became interested in animation after watching a Studio Ghibli documentary about how Princess Mononoke was created.

You can enter the animation industry in various ways and for various reasons, but I think the most common way is to pass an interview, practical skills, and a portfolio, like I did, and then enter the industry.

I had no knowledge of animation. But while I was working, I asked questions to the people around me and learned what I didn't know. I think the reason why someone like me, who didn't even know what tap is, was able to pass the exam was probably because I could draw. It is a matter of course that I am good at drawing. I also had the ambition to achieve my goals, which is why I am where I am today.

After meeting TAKAHIRO, I began to do various jobs, including storyboarding and directing.



I did not go to art college. I was never taught how to draw animation or draw pictures, I just drew illustrations by myself. I looked for a place that would hire even an amateur, and I joined O-production, where I learned how to draw animation and Genga from a senior colleague for just one year.

I made time to study drawing and croquis on my own.

It wasn't a very good place, so as soon as I learned animation and Genga, I worked as a freelancer for various companies. Now I am trying to make time to draw independent animation and manga.

The way to get better at drawing is the same as muscle training. 
You have to get better by yourself. 
Even if you can't draw, you have to keep at it. 
If you keep at it, you will eventually get good at it. 
There is no other way. 
There is no other way to get better than to practice every day. 
Anyway, the only thing you can do is to practice every day so that you can draw something you have never drawn before. 
Even if I think I did well today, the next moment I can't draw well for months on end. 
I have been doing it for 20 years. I'm still learning.

The reason for drawing is important. You don't have to draw. But I draw because I want to. If you enjoy expressing yourself, you can become an animator. If you are making animation as an independent production, you should draw pictures that you are good at. 

Just keep doing what you enjoy drawing.

MEE is also a work that does what commercial animation won't let me do. It is fun to create freely.

If you have something you want to express, you should keep making it.

If you want to be a commercial animator, you have to draw according to the orders of the company or the client. You can't just draw what you want to draw. It is a very hard thing to do. You have to find enjoyment in expressing the characters and storyboards given to you 8 in an attractive way. You need to be able to enjoy making animation, no matter what it takes or what the circumstances are.


Drawing is anyway important for making commercial animation. If you cannot draw, you cannot be a commercial animator. It is also necessary to be able to draw backgrounds. Commercial animators need to be able to draw anything.

Commercial animation is teamwork. You need to create animation as a team. There are times when you are required to redo things over and over again. The most important skill of a creator is to cut corners without the audience noticing. We cut corners in a simple way to create interesting images. It is not difficult to do.

Even if the film is a failure, make the film in such a way that the viewer does not notice.

The presentation 



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