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Hello, dear our Patron.

This time, Motoko got an opportunity from my friend to do presentation and workshop with people in Poland on June 3rd and 4th.

The event details here
Fundacja NAMI (fundacja-nami.pl)

I am going report about this.


It was a small small presentation that I told people there what Studio Bulldog does and will do. ( I prepared some materials and the script )

I was nervas before this presentation but thanks to my friend I could get taking this easy and I could do it with my confidence.

There were many people who listend to my speech including animation students.

Takahiro and I prepared some useful materials for them, like above. Our skills, old works, jobs, showing drawings and the materials of making of MEE that we have shared on Patreon for now.

Studio Bulldog does almost all process of animation production by ourselves.

Studio Bulldog has producted the animation that the main character is not human a lot^^; We will try to make new project with human character.


We have started taking on jobs from abroad since 2019. Studying English and opening our eyes to other countries has given us many opportunities.
Now we continue the state and some interesting offers are coming to us.

In 2023, one of this will be released.

★ I am going to share here about abroad jobs we have worked

Nowadays, people can easily view my work on the Internet. It is very common to receive offers after seeing your work. This was also the case with these jobs. In that respect, I think we live in a very convenient age.


We don't stick to the way which we want to express. Traditional way using papers and pencils, digital drawing, 3D works... But we must improve ourselves all time.

Here are some of our sketches, image boards and illustrations. Often people are interested only in the characters and continue to draw, but it is better to draw backgrounds as well. Especially for Japanese animators, they have to draw layouts (original drawings), so they should be able to draw backgrounds and anything else quickly. In addition, knowledge of camera lenses and angles, and spatial awareness skills are required. Being able to draw from a variety of angles is the first step to becoming a great animator.

Nowadays, 3D is indispensable. But fortunately, we can learn it ourselves. If we have what we want to express, we can create anything we want to. I really like this piece called Shiki. I didn't do anything special to stand out, but I combined materials that I created from scratch, and I also created sound myself and put it on it. I was very moved when the images and music matched.

This image board was actually drawn for practice on January 8, 2017. However, six years later, I intend to use it as a new project. I always recommend writing down ideas. It can be written or drawn. Ideas create artwork.


Here our experience of Japanese commercial anime works.

Drawing is anyway important for making commercial animation. If you cannot draw, you cannot be a commercial animator. It is also necessary to be able to draw backgrounds.

Commercial animators need to be able to draw anything.

Commercial animation is teamwork...

The presentation was 2 hours. But I have felt that was a short time for me.



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