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Final product MEE https://youtu.be/ujSjdxn73Ms

Special materials on MEE C-033!!

From here, Takahiro's explanation

本撮 / Hon satsu

Water gushes out of the desert ground and becomes a spring.

Because it is gushing, we can drink water all the time from now on.

I really wanted to add highlights and light to the water as well.

The background is used all over again.

ラフ原画撮 / Rough Genga Satsu

原画撮 / Genga Satsu

ペイント済み / Colored Douga

Light this up, add camera work, and you're done.


Ted Martens

It's fascinating to see the process broken down like this. Combined with the amazing animation work that brings everything to life, the camera movement really adds so much to the feeling that this is all happening in a real world, and we're right there in it. Do you have any advice on how to think about camera panning and movement? For example, these shots starting here ( https://youtu.be/ujSjdxn73Ms?t=100 ) to the end have a subtle camera pan that moves slowly up across three shots and then drifts back down before settling on a stable position. It has a great flow to it. I was wondering how you decide when to pan, and when to keep the camera still?


Thank you for your feedbacks! We appreciate that you are feeling like that with this scene. Takahiro answers to your question. When he plans the camera works, he images what this shot is going first. Then he makes it to that. According to him, it is failed always. But he is going to try to fix it over and over. His and me don't like making the scene using camera works over the top. It is like someone shoot near following or chasing the character (actor). We aim to create a screen where the cameraman's presence is not felt.

Ted Martens

Thank you for the response! That's very helpful :)