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Final product MEE https://youtu.be/ujSjdxn73Ms

Special materials on MEE C-030,031!!

From here, Takahiro's explanation


本撮 / Hon satsu

コンテ撮/ conte satsu

動画 / Douga (advances every second)


本撮 / Hon satsu

コンテ撮/ conte satsu

When I drew the storyboard, I had no idea how to make it.

I started making "MEE" just to make this one cut.

キャラ動画 / Character Douga (advances every second)

背景 エフェクト / GB Effect

光 岩 木 / Light Rock Tree (advances every second)

I can't tell you how many months it took me to complete it...

But I'm really glad it's done.

I think it was the most successful cut.



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