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Today's topic is about how to make running animations. I explained Japanese method that I was taught when I was a beginner.

I put notes that you must pay attention to learn and get it as same as walking animation.

I hope it would help you.


  • OBSERVE ... The movements up and down
  • DRAW ... Two important poses
  • TIME ... How long two steps take

Creating a running animation is the same idea as for walking.

1, OBSERVE ... The movements up and down

On walking animation and running animation, we have to make the movement up and down on upper half of body. We call this 上下動/Jouge dou Or 上下運動/ Jouge undou in Japanese anime production.

Walking and running animation doesn't look well (doesn't look walking and running) without 上下動/Jouge dou. It is necessary elemental. 

This is runnung animation上下動/Jouge dou.

We always use this Tume-shiji on walking animation in Janapn. (when Genga man leave it to Douga man)

As you can see, the position of the walking animation and the up-and-down movement is different. The order of drawing the up and down movement is as follows.

Unlike in walking animation, two Tsume-shiji/ツメ指示 are required for running because it is not a curved up-and-down motion.

The reason why I wrote number 5 like (5) is because if I put NAKAWARI at position number 5, the movement is going to be boring. You can put NAKAWARI at 5 but you might not need it. Of course it depends on the situation.

As I told you before that we have an important concept called Tsume/ツメ in Japanese Anime. This makes movements unique and looks more speedy immediately or slowly. We can adjust it by contorting tsume. 

2, DRAW ... Two important poses

Keep in mind that what I am showing you now is basic, and that you can adjust the poses and timing to create a variety of expressions.



The order of NAKARARI is obvious, but the point is the first pose.

The body sinks once.

As in the walking animation, draw a picture of the right foot and the left foot crossing. This sinking pose is most important. 

To take it to the extreme, just one of these poses can be inserted between Genga to make it look as if the figure is running. This is often seen when creating comical movements.

The second movement is that Kick the ground and the body stretches.

Again, as in the walking animation, the knee position is to be once higher than the Genga position. Then it goes back to Genga's position again.

This pose is the highest.

The main thing to note here is the position of the arms and hands. Here, too, we will overtake Genga once. By overtaking Genga once, the movement becomes snappy and you can see how the body is moving forward and extending in this position.

In a running animation, two sheets of NAKAWARI (NAKAWARI douga)is no problem and is the most standard form.

If you want a smoother, slower motion, do NAKAWARI as usual.

Just remember that only in the position shown in green will the body be drawing looks floating in the air. I mentioned in the live feed, so please watch for it.

Like this.

3, TIME ... How long two steps take

As I mentioned the same thing in walking animation, you should get into the habit of measuring time. Then, write down the timing on the time sheet. Please try to do it and figure out the best one in your animation.

How to make walking animations  

Try different things and see!


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This content is for only Patreon Today's topic is about how to draw running animation in Japanese method 🐆


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