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Special materials on MEE C-006!!

We are very sorry that the shots were not in the correct order!

From here, Takahiro's explanation

本撮 / Hon satsu

I would have liked to use more sheets, but time is running out, so I will finish with a small number.

コンテ撮/ conte shots

I was surprised at how messy things were.

At the animation site
If you know who is in charge of the work, it doesn't matter if it is messy.

動画 / Douga

No matter how many times I draw, the timing of the action is always troubling.


The building in the background is the same material as in the previous cut.

It was nice working digitally to be able to use the same material over and over again.

The rocks underfoot are

just deformed this material.


MOCHOKO is painting the color.



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