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There is not an audio because of my mistake, so sorry!!
Instead of this, I put simple subtitles on this

The topic was about Me-pachi/目パチ animation in my way I explained my process of Me-pachi animation talking with partners

Me-pachi/目パチ animation has a specify rule on the position of NAKAWARI

Bring NAKAWARI close to the shape of an open eye

I'll also put a timesheet

I usually use 3frames, but since the eye moves so fast, I use 2frames as my standard

On next time I'll try to talk about "Kuchi-paku/口パク animation = lip-sync" 

Thank you!


Studio Bulldog | Live streaming on discord | 2022 03 27

This content is for only Patreon ☆No audio MÖCHOKO's live streaming part2 on discord The topic was about Me-pachi/目パチ animation I explained my process of Me-pachi animation talking with partners


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