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Got any questions for Yusong and the 'boys? Hit us up... we may answer them on an upcoming Double!



How thick of a noodle is too thick of a noodle? We've been enjoying a local restaurant's hand pulled noodles lately that are exceptionally thick and chewy, probably the circumference of a milkshake straw (but not hollow). We think we would enjoy them if they were even thicker as well, but not sure at what point it becomes too thick. So, the question is, how thick do you think a noodle could be before it's no longer enjoyable? Ps. Recently moved to North Carolina. While talking with new friends about podcasts, I recommended Dough Boys, and suggested the Cook Out episode since that's a popular chain here. Forgot that in that episode you talk about "dog cum milkshakes" for quite a while. Haven't heard from those new potential friends since then.


Do you have a favorite wrestling gimmick? What's your food based wrestling gimmick?