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We're recording an XXL Feedbag this weekend. Got any lingering questions for the 'boys? Post 'em here or email doughboyspodcast at gmail dot com



Rank your top 10 Nintendo 64 games


Have you ever eaten at a restaurant, and the weather outside was akin to an epic disaster movie?


Nick, who would you like th Lakers to draft? Mitch, same question to you, but with the Celtics.


Nick, did you get the homeless guy to fuck you in his tent in Stardew Valley? This is a real thing that happens if you're nice to him.

Benjamin Martin

What has been your favorite licensed tie in between a movie and a chain restaurant ?

Benjamin Martin

What is your guys' favorite toy from a kid's meal during your childhood?


Did you ever walk through the drive thru at a fast food restaurant and try to order?


If in one of Mitch's future apocalyptic scenarios, podcasts about food and Star Wars were outlawed so Doughboys had to pivot to a new topic, what would the shortlist of topics be?


I've been a big man my whole life, I am looking at getting healthy and shedding some pounds, but the Doughboys is my favorite podcast. I live in South Dakota, the city I live in(Sioux Falls) has 90% of the chains you talk about, and I feel like I have to try the restaurant you guys talk about each week. What are some good tips on balance and making good choices with my eating habits? (I just started listening to the Dumbbells, Doughboys sister podcast, and it's for sure helping) (FYI: I recently left SpoonNation for the Burger Brigade)


Now that the weather's getting warmer, we're about to enter a glorious time known as cookout season. If there was a fantasy draft of cookout foods, which ones would you choose (and which ones would be left in the proverbial stink?)

