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Got any questions for Yusong and the 'boys? Hit us up with your summer questions or bummer questions... we may answer them on an upcoming Double!



Who's brining what (1 item each) to the Doughboys Summer BBQ?


Near my office has an Arby’s, McDs and Wendy’s all next to each other. FrankenMeal of all 3?


I recently went to a Japanese-Italian fusion called Pizza-4Ps (pizza for peace?) I had an amazing salmon miso pizza! If you could fuse an Asian and a western cuisine what would they be?


You guys tell me if this is a summer or a bummer. When I was a kid, my parents used to let me get a Happy Meal WITH a Big Mac on the side. Now that I am an adult, I am horrified that they let a kid struggling with weight issues do this. Is there anything decadent like this that your parents let you do that you now question the judgment of? -Mike [MyWifeGotMeIntoDoughboys on the Doughscord] (Posted by my alpha wife for me)

Philip Ehlke

Name your dream casting for your own quasi-faith-based, conspiracy theory-adjacent action movie along with a brief synopsis and/or tagline


Whatever became of the Ad Chad contest?


what was a moment you remember realizing you were horribly depressed? For me it was a 16th birthday, I was at Mexicali Rosa's. They put a sombrero on me and took a picture with a cake. It was a polaroid camera, and I remember thinking 'oh no, my parents are going to look at my face and know I'm so depressed. It'll be obvious." It wasn't. I looked happy. It was kinda freaky.


Brand new to patreon as of 10 minutes ago, shame on us for being late to the party. We just saw you in Minneapolis demolish taco Johns (and rightfully so). We spend a fair amount of time visiting fam in so cal and every trip we make sure to hit up del taco a few times, wishing that we could swap the taco John’s presence in the Midwest with del taco. If u guys could swap a regional restaurant from wherever to your area in LA, what would it be? Love the show and everyone involved!!


Would you rather be Summer from the OC or Suzzane Somers?


What’s the best fast food to take to the beach?


Who did you insult and who did you summer today? Was it a good day?


Curious here about the Doughboys' history with hemorrhoids


Mount truck-more: top 4 ice cream truck treats


You’ve done episodes about Quincy’s greatest restaurants — are there ever plans to travel down to Long Beach? MVP’s Grill & Patio would be a great choice!


My wife and I are expecting our first baby on Thanksgiving. I’m giving the ‘boys naming rights. What food-themed name would you pick for a baby girl?

Tyler Greenhagen

Lots of chatter about the audience at The Minneapolis show. Would you say that was the wildest crowd you’ve done a live show in front of? And does it bother you when you’re up there or do you enjoy the liveliness?