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Got any questions for the 'boys? Hit us up... we may answer on an upcoming Double!



Will you rate the flavors of Pringles and then explain why the "pizza" flavor is king?


Are there any pleasant imperfections in food that you love? I love a large bubble on the crust of a pizza or the impressions on the bottom of a candy bar.


Limes or Lemons?


Greetings and Salmutations, Parasocial Friends! I'm a long-time US expat living in Seoul, South Korea for 11+ years. People often ask me what food I miss from the grand ol' USofA and I usually draw a blank because in an increasingly homogenous global capitalistic hellscape, I can basically get whatever I want here as well. There are more minor exceptions, more about how readily available certain things are and fast food permutations leave a bit to be desired (I'm looking at you, vastly inferior version of Taco Bell), but I've already digressed enough. Actual question: Were you forced to become a permit resident abroad (barring all of North and South America in order to make Wiger cross a fucking ocean for once) where would you go and why? Love the show beyond words, you guys make me laugh aloud on public transport, choo-choo and bus alike. P.S. Do a live show in Seoul (it will never happen, I know, I know). I'll show you the best spots and what real Korean BBQ is like (as much as K-Town is about as close as you can get, though not close enough). Josh from Seoul-by-way-of-Chicago


When is the album of all the parody songs going to be released? Need all versions of let me be frank on their too. 🌭


Hi doughteam! I have a kind friend who wants to feed me in times of need. Both times I've had a baby and any time I'm going through a tough time she shows up with food. Unfortunately, it is disgusting. It's always bland, weird, watery soup and she brings it by the gallon. I feel awful throwing it out, but there's no way I'm eating it and it takes up space in my fridge. Have you ever gotten an inedible food gift? Is there a better way to handle this, or do I keep accepting and trashing the soup? Thanks for everything! -Dani from Pennsylvania


Can you do a double about the mission impossible series called Mitchin' Im-pod-able? Feel free to make it a whole month. Stay stupid x


I learned recently that different people have different internal thought processes, some more visual and some more with words/ internal monologue (for instance, if I plan out my day I will tend to just picture the various activities I will do in order, not talk through it with myself...) . In discussing this with friends I realized that I cannot actually imagine the taste of anything ( I can picture an apple in my mind, I can't "taste" the apple, though I can "feel" the crunch) So my question is, when you are ordering a meal do you think more in images, words or taste? (or touch or sound?)


What sort of attractions and food would you guys have if you opened a Doughboys Theme Park? -Billy from NC


Idea for a double - Best I Never Had. You both bring in a food that you love that the other has never tried and give real time reviews

Jesse Hedding

What chemically created foods do you think animals would love? For instance there is a video of a chimp guzzling Baja Blast and seemingly loving it. Would a lion like a Slim Jim? What about a barnyard where Nerdz are scattered for the chickens?


Do you refer to them as chicken tenders or chicken fingers?


What is the best toy you ever got from a kid’s meal?


Which character in the fast food universe would you propose to and why?


I just listened to the opening ceremony of the infamous Doughlympics and heard Yusong did a pilgrimage with hot sauce from the 1st Chili’s episode to the studio. Does that mean he took a bottle of hot sauce from the Chili’s or took an already existing hot sauce bottle there and back?


Hello! Just has some local "upscale" ramen, and my bowl had a half-flippn' bock choy! Like, in one piece. So, my question is; can you remember coming across a "how do I eat this?" moment?


I recently broke my ankle playing coed rec league softball. Can you think of any notable food injuries you've had (besides the common ones like burning the roof of your mouth eating pizza?)


Which cartoon characters got the juiciest asses to y'all? My pick would be Ned Flanders. Stupid, sexy, Flanders...


Who could fast longer? Wiger or SpoonMan?


If you could make your tongue not register one taste (salty, sweet, umami, etc) what would it be and why?


Have you guys been playing diablo 4?


As a boy in Nashville there was the Colonial Bread Factory (actually very near Zanies!), so that area always smelled like fresh baking bread. Then in college in Lexington, KY, I lived near the Jif peanut butter factory which always smelled like roasting peanuts. Do you have any food smell memories like this?

Patrick Smith

What ability or attribute of each other would you like to have yourself?


When I travel I always carry snacks. Mini Snickers, crackers, granola bars and Mentos are some of my go-tos. Any travel snacks you can’t leave home without?




With the popularity of the Grimace birthday shake, what chain restaurant mascot do you think should get their own birthday/holiday/anniversary item next and what should that item be?


Will the doughboys company be purchasing one of those new flying cars to travel to shows in?


People say I should like olives based on the other foods I eat and my vibe, is there any foods like that for you? Or that you think you should like but you just don’t?