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We'll release the inaugural episode of Doughboys Double on Tuesday, March 7th. New episodes will release on Tuesdays moving forward. The Double will have its own RSS feed via Patreon, so you'll be able to listen to it in your podcast app of choice. 

This month, the Double will host Fat Chance Kitchen, the loser's bracket for Munch Madness: The Tournament of Chompions: Chicken Fight.

Thanks to everyone who's joined the Golden Plate Club so far!



I love videogames and this videogame podcast!.

Rob Ward

Does this podcast have anyone who owns cats on it? I love that stuff!


Well isn't that special?


I can't believe my first patreon is to help pizza the hut and his robot pal buy more bachelor-chow


I won't sign up until Mitch replies to my message on Mitch.Pizza


This is a much easier way to support the show than having to remember to use the Amazon affiliate code. Donating $5 for this show is a no brainer. Any thought on maybe making some video of the podcast available? I'd like to confirm my mental picture of a South Park Canadian talking about food with September Santa.


how do you make videos