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Got any questions for the 'boys, Emma & Yusong? Hit us up... we may answer on an upcoming Double!


Turtle from Entourage

You have to move to somewhere in the US that's not LA, NYC, Chicago, or the Boston area. Where do you go based on your food preferences?


Do you have any recommendations for fans of movies and TV for people visiting LA? As longtime LA residents and people in the “biz” I can imagine you think most of the traditional touristy options in this sphere are pretty lame. I don’t want to walk Hollywood Blvd and take a picture with Elmo or ride a TMZ bus, but with a city so rich in entertainment history I’d hope you may be familiar with a cool excursion for a friend who doesn’t want to hike Eaton Canyon. Thanks, love you both.


We gotta talk about Wendy’s price changes. Wtfuck is going on? What’re we suppose to do?


What is the best shape for food? (For example: triangle, square, circle, etc…)


Where are you guys at with hot drinks right now? How much coffee? Any tea or broth in your diet?


What drew you to starting video, should we expect more visual gags?


If you came home to find your pets had turned into human beings is there anything they could say that would convince you that they truly are your pets?


I've worked at Costco for a while in the different fresh departments and I've made a lot of, and eaten a lot of, the rotisserie chickens. There was a story last week about David Chang "slamming" the chickens, saying they "weren't seasoned". I know for sure those chickens are like 8 percent salt so I don't know what he's talking about. How do you feel about the Costco birds and do celebrity chefs really need to weigh in on these kinds of things?


Peanut butter?


Would you ever participate in a podcast cruise?


This week I dropped my car off at a mechanic and when they took my keys to check it out my phone connected to the stereo and started playing a Doughboys ep. it was the drop in the KFC beyond ep where wiger talks about headbutting a woman over “Kissed a Girl” by Katy Perry and I felt immense embarrassment. So my question is have you experienced a similar situation where something you privately like became public against your will?

Noah Wright

Hey boys, just wondering why you started to put out the podcast with video on YouTube? I think its amazing just wondering if you could share anything about some of the changes you guys have made in the year. About to watch Rust and Cassady’s ep now! Wow how fun to say