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Got any questions for the 'boys, Emma & Yusong? Hit us up... we may answer on an upcoming Double!



Did you guys get a chance to tear into a BK black bun Halloween whopper? It painted my stool a new color that was very spooky! How do I get on the doescourge? I’ve got pics


if you had to compete in a reality competition show which one would you choose?


Why did Jar-Jar get exiled from the Gungans?


Any dishes that if they are on the menu, you have to get it? For me it’s risotto, gnocchi or Cobb salad


If you had to be a particular mascot (food or sports or anything), what would you pick?


if you had to be killed by an animal which animal would you prefer to be killed by?


What's y'alls favorite stuff to put peanut butter on?


I eat food in bed sometimes…what is your ideal in-bed snack or meal?


This question comes from Jordan’s brother Jared aka ComedySkit on the doughscord. 🥄nation for life


What’s in your dream advent/holiday countdown calendar (and did you do them as kids?)? As a kid, I would always get a lil chocolate one and as an adult I’ve had one with cheese (very fun!) and have a fancy jam one this year! Ho ho ho to you all!


There's the trope of children leaving behind milk and cookies for Santa on Christmas. If any/all of you were a Santa-like being, what would kids leave out for your visit and what holiday's eve would mark your arrival? Thanks!


Wiger, unless you learn to do better research, don't you think you should STFU about John Lennon?


Every year seems to bring a new candy cane flavor. Oreo, Sour Patch Kids, A&W, Orange Crush. Any new favs? Or old reliables? I’m partial to Cherry candy canes